Grief is a universal human experience and a natural response to loss. While it manifests differently for all of us, for many, it is an incredibly challenging and overwhelming experience. During times of grief, bereavement care is crucial for healing and coping with uncertainties and pain. 

What is bereavement care and how does it help? This article will explore the importance of bereavement care and how it can provide the necessary support after the loss of a loved one.

Understanding Bereavement Care


Bereavement care, also known as grief counseling or support, is a specialized service offered to individuals who have recently experienced the death of a loved one. This care is provided by trained professionals, such as therapists, social workers, or counselors, as well as through support groups or community organizations. Its primary goal is to help those grieving to cope with their emotions, adapt to their loss, and eventually find a way to move forward in life.

Break Down of Bereavement Care

  • It encompasses various services and interventions aimed at helping individuals cope with their grief and adjust to life after loss.
  • Bereavement care focuses on identifying strengths and coping skills so that the individual can then use those to work through their loss in a healthier way. 
  • Bereavement care provides access to professionals who are trained in grief psychology. They help individuals understand and process their emotions. This facilitates emotional healing, preventing grief from becoming a chronic and unresolved issue.

Types of Bereavement Care


There are several different types of bereavement care available as part of a hospice care program. They include individualized counseling and group support.. Both are available both virtually and in-person to best fit the individual’s preferences and scheduling needs. 

  • Individual bereavement counseling: One-on-one sessions with a trained professional, such as a chaplain, medical social worker or therapist, to address specific needs and emotions related to grief.
  • Grief support groups: Group settings where individuals can share their experiences, receive validation, and gain support from others who have also experienced loss. Support groups are often moderated by a grief counseling professional who provides guidance on topics and information. 
  • Education and information: Providing resources and knowledge about the grieving process, coping strategies, and self-care techniques.
  • Memorial services and rituals: Creating meaningful ceremonies or events to honor and remember the deceased, allowing individuals to find closure and express their emotions. Examples include creating memory bears or quilts, candlelight ceremonies, dove or balloon release ceremonies, or prayer groups. 

The Importance of Bereavement Care


Bereavement counseling offers many advantages to the grieving individuals. It prevents isolation by providing individuals with a community that understands what they are experiencing. Counseling also validates experiences and offers support. Additionally, professional grief counselors offer emotional support, assistance with discovering and developing coping strategies and opportunities to normalize the grief experience. 

Emotional Support

  • Bereavement care in Los Angeles provides a safe space for individuals to express their emotions and feelings without judgment.
  • It offers validation and understanding, helping individuals feel less alone in their grief journey.
  • Emotional support from bereavement care can help alleviate feelings of isolation, anxiety, and depression.

Coping Skills and Strategies

  • Bereavement care in Los Angeles equips individuals with coping skills and strategies to navigate through their grief.
  • It helps individuals develop healthy ways to manage their emotions, such as journaling, mindfulness, or engaging in creative outlets.
  • Learning effective coping strategies can prevent individuals from turning to unhealthy coping mechanisms, such as substance abuse.
  • Bereavement care helps individuals develop emotional resilience, empowering them to face future challenges with greater strength and adaptability.

Normalizing the Grief Experience

  • Bereavement care in Los Angeles helps individuals understand that grief is a normal and natural response to loss.
  • It validates the range of emotions experienced during grief, including anger, guilt, and sadness.
  • Normalizing the grief experience can reduce feelings of shame or guilt and promote self-compassion.

Building a Supportive Community

  • Bereavement support creates a sense of community and connection among individuals who have experienced loss.
  • It allows individuals to share their stories, offer support, and learn from others who have gone through similar experiences.
  • Building a supportive community can provide long-term support and a sense of belonging during the grieving process.


Bereavement support plays a crucial role in supporting individuals through their grief journey. It provides emotional support, equips individuals with coping skills, normalizes the grief experience, and builds a supportive community. By recognizing the importance of bereavement care and ensuring its availability, we can help individuals navigate through their grief and find healing and hope.

Salus Hospice Los Angeles offers a wide range of bereavement support to all of our hospice families and, in some cases, the community as a whole. From virtual grief support groups to our family portal and frequent check-ins from our hospice team, our goal is to foster a healthy healing environment that benefits every family we serve. Reach out if you’re in need of support.